Applied Hydraulic Engineering

About the Subject:

Hydraulic engineering as a sub-discipline of applied science worries with the flow and conveyance of fluids, in the main water and waste product. One feature of those systems is that the intensive use of gravity because the driver to cause the movement of the fluids. This space of applied science is intimately associated with the planning of bridges, dams, channels, canals, and levees, and to each hygienic and environmental engineering.

Topics To Be Covered In This Seminar:

Definition and differences between pipe flow and open channel flow-Dynamic equations of gradually varied and spatially varied flows - Water surface flow profile classifications- Profile determination by Numerical method-Application of the energy equation for RVF - Critical depth and velocity - Critical, Sub-critical and Super-critical flow - Application of the momentum equation for RVF - Hydraulic jumps - Types -Impact of Jet on vanes- Propeller and Kaplan turbines - Impulse turbine - Performance of turbine - Specific speed - Runaway speed - Similarity laws-Centrifugal pumps - Minimum speed to start the pump - NPSH - Cavitation’s in pumps - Operating characteristics - Multistage pumps - Reciprocating pumps - Negative slip - Flow separation conditions - Savings in work done - Rotary pumps: Gear pump.

Time To Be Planned:

     1 or 2 days

Kind Of Program:

     3D based Seminar and Guest Lecture for the Students

Reason For The Program :

Kalam Scientist Team aiming to build young generation Scientist

Sample Clips For Reference : 

Kalam Scientist Team