Numerical Methods

About the Subject : 

A numerical technique may be a complete and unambiguous set of procedures for the answer of a tangle, along with estimable error estimates (see error analysis). The study and implementation of such ways is that the province of numerical analysis.

Topics to be covered in this Seminar :

Solution of algebraic and transcendental equations-Gauss elimination method–Pivotin-Eigen values of a matrix by Power method.Interpolation with unequal intervals-Lagrange's interpolation–Newtons divided difference interpolation–Approximation of derivatives using interpolation polynomials-Numerical integration using Trapezoidal, Simpsons 1/3 rule–Rombergs method -Single Step methods-Finite difference methods for solving two-point linear boundary value problems-Finite difference techniques for the solution of two dimensional Laplaces and Poissons equations on rectangular domain–One dimensional wave equation by explicit method.

Time to be planned :

     1 or 2 days

Kind of program :

       3D based Seminar and Guest Lecture for the Students

Reason for the program :

      Kalam Scientist Team aiming to build young generation Scientist

Sample Clips for reference : 

Kalam Scientist Team